Welcome to the New Jersey State Grange!

Welcome to the online home of the New Jersey State Grange, a chapter of the National Grange, America’s foremost volunteer and grassroots organization. The Grange is a fraternal organization for all of America that welcomes men, women and young persons to its membership, regardless of nationality, race, age, profession or educational background, providing opportunities for all to share in equal membership and to come together to make a difference in their own lives and the lives of others. Today’s New Jersey State Grange has a variety of departments which share their respective goals and direction with Subordinate Granges from throughout the State.

new jersey state flag, american flag Building the Grange for Tomorrow

The traditions of the last 150 plus have served us well but now is the time to look to the future. What do our meetings and activities look like in what is becoming our new normal? How can we stay relevant and be involved with our communities?

2025 – Cultivating Partnerships

We can’t move forward while looking in the rearview mirror. This quote really resonated with me. We have a tremendous track record of community service and involvement with our communities. We need to continue to focus on helping not only our members and our communities but reaching out to assist others.

We need outreach and activities to not only keep our existing members engaged and active but attract new members. We need to build programs and outreach that is relevant and will continue to make the Grange visible. Not everything will be a success but we need to take a chance on new projects and outreach.

As you look through this website, you will see we have some of the same programs we have had over the past several years: Our quarterly gatherings on Zoom, an exemplification of the first four degrees in March, A Day of Learning 6 in April, a rematch to the Bowling Challenge with the New Jersey Independent Order of Odd Fellows in June, and other fun activities throughout the year.

Get involved! You only can get out of the Grange what you put in!

John M. Benedik, III

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