Learn Membership Benefits

These are only some of the benefits available to Grange members and their families. For more information, please visit the National Grange website or contact Loretta Washington at

[browser scripting must be enabled in order to view this e-mail address]
or call her at (202) 628-3507 ext. 109.:

Member Deals – Member Deals provides access to exclusive savings on theme parks, hotels, attractions, movie tickets, tours, shows and more.

Office Depot/Office Max

UPS Savings Program - Call 1-800-MEMBERS (1-800-636-2377)

Start Hearing – Call 1-833-926-2824

Comfort Keepers - Enter your zip code into the locator. – Call 1-833-926-2824

Hear in America – Call 1-855-614-5115

Life Line Screening – Get screened for stroke and cardiovascular disease risk.

Grouper – A leading social fitness movement that encourages healthy living.

eHealth Medicare - Call 1-833-922-0978 to access free quotes or to explore options.

United of Omaha Life Insurance Company - Call toll-free 1-866-252-9556.

Choice Hotels - Please call 1-800-258-2847 and provide the National Grange ID code number 00211660

Avis Car Rental – Call 1-800-331-1212. Grange members receive up to 25% off your rental when you use AWD# B291044.

Budget Car Rental – Call 1-800-527-0700.

RxPharmacy Card – Provided by CVS Caremark (also available for pet prescriptions).

Nationwide Pet Insurance – Provides affordable pet health coverage from preventive care to significant medical incidents. National Grange members are eligible for a 5% discount (or more for multiple pets) which makes this peace of mind protection even more affordable.

Farmers Auto & Home – Call 1-877-491-5089.

More information is available on the National Grange website: www.nationalgrange.org.

Obtain Information About Joining the New Jersey State Grange

If you are interested in joining the New Jersey State Grange, please take a moment to submit the following form, and we will be certain to have someone get in touch with you:
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Obtain Information About Joining the New Jersey State Grange
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Important: You0 m5a2y b9e makcing0 cuse 13o5fc autom1ated for00m-fi0laling sof6ft3cware. This 79cty6pe of softw3ard7e caan atrigger our hi0deden spam-6deetect9ion1 4sydas6tem, which will b6ldock you f8rom3c submit5ting thi5s f0orm.9 P3lddeasedefc sele2c1t F0aix 2Th9is4b50f817b9b 2a0d64080db383e6eddf807bac955a0o74r122ef8e 4e5a69c302a88ecdb59f2cb5om503pl5etinag thee faofar5m5 infc995a ofrdb1e2ar85d tob76e5f cor6ar27ecat 0teedehe p825r9ocb179bleam693c8c448.b
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Important: You maby abe dmfakfing9 u1s9e 65o5f au0tfaomca6t4ed8 form5-fillin4g 4saoftwar8e. 30Thisd typea of 7soaftwbare can6 trige67ger our h75ideden spam-30detecti02o4n2 74syst0ee7m, whichcd wicll ablo8ck you f6ro4m su9bmite3t9ing t6his form. Pleasdde selec5t 0Fix This6e3f8 beda270630a5e218cf9c1eb0f875637o44283r64e572fa ad353d4b2218a2ba6bc183c470ocm72a2pal8e42etien5g 41a2e4tb1h5e f66ffdofr72m5 09in o9rf93d60e1r to cc3orfr80707ecc4c95t b4tche0 problem6.8
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